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Introduction and History

About / 2021-11-02 / 點閱數: 653

School Introduction

Sindong Junior High School was found in the 1st August, 1968. It locates in the Hsinying district in Tainan City , where talents are gathered and scenic views are pleasant. Sindong Junior High School prides itself on the quality of its educational programmes, the professionalism of its staff, the enthusiasm of its students and the high level of support provided by parents and community members.


School History

1923  A pharmaceutical factory that manufactures malaria drugs and military narcotic drugs.

1968  Sindong Junior High School was founded.

1972  The number of students increased from 200 to more than 1,000.

1980  Set up gifted education program.

2010  Set up resource class.

2011-2014  School building reconstruction

2016  Signed with Pukekohe High School in New Zeland as a sister school

2018  We celebrated the school's 50th Anniversary.

2020  Become a bilingual school.

2021  We currently have over 1106 students and 100 staff members. We have approximately 39 homeroom classes for all students, including students in special needs.


QR Code

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